Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Take a hike, Mike--weird weather wreaks havoc

The plumbing in the New York City metropolitan area is suffering birth pains, or, at least, contractions, not to mention expansions--the constant changes of temperature from colder-than-usual to warmer-than-usual have caused numerous pipes to burst.  The MTA took my subway train out of service due to a water-main break, so I had to walk the last ten blocks or so to work.  Guess I've already had my exercise for the day. :)

Speaking of weird weather, you might want to read this: Polar Vortex Is Nothing To Laugh At (Jewish Daily Forward).


Blogger Shira Salamone said...

That should be "metropolitan *area,*" obviously. I'll correct this at home, to get around my usual posting problem.

Wed Jan 15, 11:24:00 AM 2014  
Blogger The Physicist said...

Constantly drawing attention to it a) is getting annoying and b) draws attention to it. If you just didn't say anything and fixed it later, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Wed Jan 15, 06:06:00 PM 2014  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Point taken. Will stop kvetching.

Wed Jan 15, 06:18:00 PM 2014  

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